Next open the FL studio template provided as it's going to make a lot more sense as to what tracks are controlled with what fader in the first group. Find your device in the list and assign a script to it the usual way.

py file in a "KORG nanoKontrol Studio" folder in the C:\Users(your name)\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Settings\Hardware moving a fader displays the mixer right away (can be turned off via a constant if necessary).skip to next and previous marker buttons."set" button is essentially a "tap tempo" button."cycle" button is doing the function of a "shift" button and will be used in later versions to add more functionality.5 "scenes" where the first scene is predefined as controlling the mixer, all other scenes are assignable the usual way.the script consisting of 3 files: the script itself, the korg editor file and an fl studio template (which is optional but recommended).pan, volume, mute, solo, arm buttons work as expected with faders snapping the max volume to 0db and panning snapping to zero as well.first group consists of master track, 3 bus tracks, 3 send tracks and a recording track, other groups control regular mixer tracks from 1 to 58.8 groups of 8 faders controlling 64 tracks altogether which can be selected either by track buttons or by pressing any of the 8 "select" buttons which in turn will select the corresponding group of mixer tracks to control (you can specify your own tracks you want to control inside the script).

play, rec, stop, restart, rewind, ff buttons.Script for Korg nanoKONTROL Studio controller for FL Studio