An offering box is attached, as well as a prominent lever." "The Forge is mostly a large dais, almost crude of make, but emblazoned with the traditional Daedric rune.

The power of the Sigil Stone would be used to bind/fuse the items together. Forge method was similar to how the Dremora forge their weapons in Oblivion and that they too have a similar forge. To forge a Daedric sword at a normal forge it requires an Ebony sword and a Daedra Heart (among other generic forging materials: Leather Straps, ect.), Where as the Atronach Forge requires an Ebony sword, Daedra Heart, a Black Soul gem, and a Dynamo Core, along with a Sigil Stone. Forge a mage could magically craft an item, similar to how a skilled smith would forge one normally (non-magically). We were discussing the working/differences between conjuring a bound weapon, crafting it at a smith's forge, and/or crafting/conjuring it from the Atronach Forge found in the Midden of the College of Winterhold. This conversation started on TIL Discord pageand I would like to continue here on the forums.